Despite their technological supremacy, the kingdom of Wakanda finds itself embroiled in an ancient struggle: a battle for the throne. Killmonger seeks to radicalize the population against their king, smuggling weapons and mercenaries into the country in preparation for a vast uprising that would place him on the throne. In spite of Wakanda's advanced resources, the Black Panther and his allies will be hard-pressed to prevent Killmonger's master plan.
Rise of the Black Panther is an expansion for Marvel United that adds three new proud Heroes, a deadly Villain, new Locations, and a new Challenge mode. The defenders of Wakanda are very capable and resourceful Heroes, ready to put their lives on the line for the kingdom. Killmonger is a revolutionary out for blood and power. His strategy is to sow chaos throughout the kingdom, until he's able to overthrow king T'Challa and take the throne himself.
Ages: 14+
Players: 1-4
Game Length: 40 minutes
This is not a stand-alone game. A copy of Marvel United Core Box or Marvel United: X-Men Core Box is required to play.